Beans and Machines

Beans and Machines is a wholesale provider of high quality espresso products with full service distribution to coffee houses, espresso stands and restaurants in Western New York State area.  Based out of Pittsford, New York, our service area includes Rochester, Buffalo, Finger Lakes and surrounding areas.

Our menu of espresso products include espresso machines (home and commercial), espresso beans and pods, and syrups from Fee Brothers based out of Rochester, New York .  We  offer  maintenance and parts for most brands of commercial espresso machines.
  • Qualified Beans and Machines coffee pod and bean customers enjoy free scheduled maintenance to their commercial espresso machines.  All other repairs are parts plus 50% discount on labor

Our mission is to provide world class espresso.  The two brands of world class espresso  that we carry are Miscela D'oro and Moak.

Miscela D'oro web site.

Moak web site.